4 Steps You Can Take to
Sell Your Home Fast
Don’t just depend on a realtor to sell your home. Here’s what you can do.

Too many sellers think that simply hiring a good realtor will do the trick. Just pay him/her their commission and the house will get sold lickety-split while you go about your daily routines. That’s like a business owner who thinks hiring a marketing company will get their product sold. It doesn’t work that way. As the homeowner, you play a critical role in determining how fast your home gets sold. The real estate agent you’ve hired can only work with what you give him/her. That means you’ve got to be an active participant in your home’s marketing efforts if you want it to sell quickly.
Here are four easy things you can do as a seller to attract more buyers and get that sign changed in your front yard:
1. Hold your agent accountable
Before you sign with a real estate agent, find out what their marketing plans are for your home. They should have a strategic method from start to finish. Take a look at some of their other listings. Do the photos look professional? Look at their own website. Do they have one? Does it reflect an agent who gets things done in a professional manner? How long have they been a realtor? Just because your wife’s cousin’s friend is a real estate agent isn’t a reason to hire him. Selling your home will be one of the most significant business transactions you’ll ever make. Hire someone who knows what they’re doing and do your part by holding them accountable for getting the job done.
2. Do some marketing of your own
If you’ve hired a good agent, he/she will have a professional network set up to market your home. That doesn’t mean you can’t use your own network, though. Are you on Facebook, X, or Instagram? Let your online community know that your home is on the market and encourage them to spread the word!
Take some unique pictures of your own to complement what your realtor is doing and share these on social media. You are allowed to say things about your home and neighborhood that your realtor can’t due to marketing restrictions. But if you’ve got a phone with video capabilities, set up a self-guided tour of your home and neighborhood. Take potential buyers on a personalized trip, highlighting all the things you love.
Take a walk through the neighborhood and show off the trees, the walking paths, community pool, or other amenities your neighborhood has to offer. And don’t forget your potential buyer might even be someone who doesn’t even live in your town. Post another video that highlights some of the community hotspots within easy driving distance. Are there nice parks for kids to play in? Bike paths or other outdoor recreation facilities? Is there a town square or other community gathering place? These are all things that attract buyers. Your social media can get the word out to an audience that your realtor won’t otherwise directly reach. You’d be surprised how many people, who are not even thinking about buying a house, decide to buy when they see their perfect home, and fall in love.
Are you on Social Media? Let your contacts there know your home is on the market and encourage them to spread the word.
3. Consider the process a temporary 2nd job
Selling a home is not for the faint of heart. It is really hard work. You need to think through your work schedule, your family calendar, and talk to your agent about any challenges or concerns you have with the process. He/she can help you decide the best timeframe to list in order to make it as easy on you as possible.
The lion share of the work is on the front end, before you have your professional photo shoot. (Don’t settle for the agent who thinks her phone camera is “good enough.”) Start by cleaning and decluttering until your house looks more like an upscale hotel than the place you live. I recommend hiring a maid to do the deep cleaning while you do the time sucking decluttering. It will be worth every penny. And then you have to KEEP IT THAT WAY for open houses and showings! Beds need to look perfectly made, water spots need to be wiped, every room and nook and cranny, needs to make the potential buyer want your house, the insides of your cabinets, the laundry room. You have to make them want to live there! Nobody wants a stinky, crammed full, unorganized and messy closet. And even tho they aren’t buying your “stuff,” everything needs to look fresh and as updated and new as possible. If you were selling your car, you would take it for a tune up and have it detailed to make sure you could sell it for the best price. You wouldn’t leave carseats, sippy cups and muddy shoes in the back.
Speaking of a “tune up,” it is always a good idea to have your home inspected by a licensed inspector BEFORE you list. This will allow you the opportunity to take care of any repairs that might come up when the buyer pays for their own inspection. It will save you money in the long run and make for a much smoother transaction. You can do simple repairs yourself and schedule contractors for more specialized repairs.You want to sell a good house, and make sure you’ve maintained it at a high standard.
4. Listen to your agent
In the first point, we asked you to hold your agent’s feet to the fire. By the same token, realize you’ve hired a professional who’s done these kinds of transactions many times before. If you’ve done your homework and hired a seasoned agent, he/she knows what they’re doing. Listen to your agent when he/she makes a suggestion about price, staging ideas, or open house times and dates. Whatever the case, pay attention, and unless you have a really good reason for arguing against the suggestion, listen!
If you’re looking for an agent with almost 2 decades of experience and a proven track record of moving properties in Central Indiana, then contact me. I know the current market trends. My marketing strategy is unmatched. I’m highly trained and experienced in negotiation and transaction management. And above all, I am absolutely dedicated to making this experience a rewarding and profitable one for you and your family.
Work with the very best
It takes more than a sign, lockbox and MLS listing to sell a home.
Every market is different, and we’ve been selling homes to Hoosiers for decades.
You come first and details matter.
I Am Here
8555 N River Road, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Office: (317) 574-7100
Mobile: (317) 431-8269
Email: [email protected]
Office hours
Sunday- Saturday
9:00 am -9:00 pm
Or by appointment
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